lss2.glove - The Gloves

Version: v4

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This problem's maximum score is 50. This is an easy version.

Ninetail is a fox girl. She has some gloves in different colors. She has two drawers. So she put all the left-hand gloves into drawer #1 and all the right-hand gloves into drawer #2.

One day, she decided to take out A gloves randomly from drawer #1 and B gloves randomly from drawer #2. Question: Is it certain that ninetail will get a pair of gloves of the same color?


The first line contains integer N. The number of colors.

Then the second line contains A1...AN. The number of gloves of each colors in drawer 1

Then the third line contains B1...BN. The number of gloves of each colors in drawer 2

The last line contains A and B


YES or NO. One in a line.


1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1
5 6
If unfortunately, we get color {4,4,4,4,3} from drawer 1 and {1,1,1,1,2,2} from drawer 2 we won't have a pair of gloves of the same kind.

1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1
7 8


If Ninetail tell you she wants to get gloves more than the sum of gloves in the drawer(ie. $A\gt \sum_{i=1}^NA_i$ or for B). Just treat she is drunk and print "YES".


$1\leq N\leq 20,0\leq Ai,Bi\leq 32767,0\leq A\leq 32767,0\leq B\leq 32767$

You need to pass all testcases to get score
